How can I filter items for dates before a specified date

With Extree1
	With .Columns.Add("Dates")
		.SortType = exontrol.EXTREELib.SortTypeEnum.SortDate
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = True
		.DisplayFilterDate = True
		.FilterList = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exNoItems
		.Filter = "to 12/27/2010"
		.FilterType = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterTypeEnum.exDate
	End With
	With .Items
	End With
End With
Is it possible to filter dates

With Extree1
	With .Columns.Add("Dates")
		.SortType = exontrol.EXTREELib.SortTypeEnum.SortDate
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = True
		.DisplayFilterDate = True
		.FilterList = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exNoItems
	End With
	With .Items
	End With
End With
Is it possible to change the Exclude field name to something different, in the drop down filter window

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	.set_Description(exontrol.EXTREELib.DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarExclude,"Leaving out")
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterList = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
	End With
End With
How can I display the Exclude field in the drop down filter window

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterList = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exShowExclude Or exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
	End With
End With
Is it possible to show and ensure the focused item from the control, in the drop down filter window

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterList = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exShowFocusItem Or exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.set_SelectItem(.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2"),True)
	End With
End With
Is it possible to show only blanks items with no listed items from the control

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterList = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exShowBlanks Or exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exNoItems
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
	End With
End With
How can I include the blanks items in the drop down filter window

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterList = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exShowBlanks Or exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
	End With
End With
How can I select multiple items in the drop down filter window, using check-boxes

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterList = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exShowCheckBox
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
	End With
End With
Is it possible to allow a single item being selected in the drop down filter window

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = False
		.FilterList = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exSingleSel
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
	End With
End With
How can I display no (All) item in the drop down filter window

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = True
		.FilterList = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exNoItems
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
	End With
End With
Is it possible to display no items in the drop down filter window, so only the pattern is visible

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Columns.Add("Items")
		.DisplayFilterButton = True
		.DisplayFilterPattern = True
		.FilterList = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterListEnum.exNoItems
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
	End With
End With
How do I hide the selection

With Extree1
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
	.SelBackColor = .BackColor
	.ShowFocusRect = False
	With .Columns
		With .Add("Format")
			.FormatColumn = "type(value) in (0,1) ? 'null' : ( dbl(value)<0 ? '<fgcolor=FF0000>'+ (value format '2|.|3|,|1' ) : (dbl(value)>0 ? '<fgcolor=00" & _
"00FF>+'+(value format '2|.|3|,' ): '0.00') )"
		End With
	End With
	With .Items
	End With
End With
How do I access the cells, or how do I get the values in the columns
Dim h
With Extree1
	With .Columns
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Item 1")
		.set_CellCaption(h,1,"SubItem 1.1")
		.set_CellCaption(h,2,"SubItem 1.2")
		Debug.Print( .get_CellCaption(h,0) )
	End With
End With
Is it possible to load child items when clicking the +/- button

' BeforeExpandItem event - Fired before an item is about to be expanded (collapsed).
Private Sub Extree1_BeforeExpandItem(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal Item As Integer,ByRef Cancel As Object) Handles Extree1.BeforeExpandItem
	With Extree1
		With .Items
		End With
	End With
End Sub

With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Items
		.AddItem("next item")
	End With
End With
How can I change the check-boxes appearance

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Columns.Add("Default")
		.PartialCheck = True
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
	End With
	With .VisualAppearance
		.Add(1,"XP:Button 3 12")
		.Add(2,"XP:Button 3 11")
		.Add(3,"XP:Button 3 10")
	End With
End With
How can I initiate the OLE Drag and Drop support

// OLEStartDrag event is not supported. Use the DragEnter,DragLeave,DragOver, DragDrop ... events.
Dim h
With Extree1
	.OLEDropMode = exontrol.EXTREELib.exOLEDropModeEnum.exOLEDropManual
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
	End With
End With
How can I apply the same ConditionalFormat on more than 1(one) column (multiple columns and not on item)

With Extree1
	With .ConditionalFormats.Add("1","K1")
		.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255,0,0)
		.ApplyTo = &H1
	End With
	With .ConditionalFormats.Add("1","K2")
		.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255,0,0)
		.ApplyTo = &H2
	End With
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.DrawGridLines = exontrol.EXTREELib.GridLinesEnum.exRowLines
	With .Columns
		.Add("Column 1")
		.Add("Column 2")
		.Add("Column 3")
	End With
	With .Items
	End With
End With
Is it possible to display empty strings for 0 values

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Currency").FormatColumn = "dbl(value) ? currency(dbl(value)) : ``"
	With .Items
	End With
End With
Is it possible to display empty strings for 0 values

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Currency").ComputedField = "%0 ? currency(%0) : ``"
	With .Items
	End With
End With
How can I get the list of items as they are displayed
With Extree1
	.BackColorAlternate = Color.FromArgb(240,240,240)
	With .Items
	End With
	.Columns.Item(0).SortOrder = exontrol.EXTREELib.SortOrderEnum.SortAscending
	Debug.Print( .GetItems(1) )
End With
Is posible to reduce the size of the picture to be shown in the column's caption

With Extree1
	.HeaderHeight = 48
	.Columns.Add("DefaultSize").HTMLCaption = "Default-Size <img>pic1</img> Picture"
	.Columns.Add("CustomSize").HTMLCaption = "Custom-Size <img>pic1:16</img> Picture"
End With
How can I change the color, font, bold etc for the items/cells in the same column or for the entire column

With Extree1
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	With .ConditionalFormats.Add("1")
		.Bold = True
		.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255,0,0)
		.ApplyTo = &H1
	End With
	With .Columns.Add("C2")
		.HeaderBold = True
		.HTMLCaption = "<fgcolor=FF0000>C2"
	End With
	With .Items
	End With
End With
The item is not getting selected when clicking the cell's checkbox. What should I do

' CellStateChanged event - Fired after cell's state has been changed.
Private Sub Extree1_CellStateChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal Item As Integer,ByVal ColIndex As Integer) Handles Extree1.CellStateChanged
	With Extree1
	End With
End Sub

With Extree1
	With .Items
	End With
End With
Is it possible to limit the height of the item while resizing

' AddItem event - Occurs after a new Item has been inserted to Items collection.
Private Sub Extree1_AddItem(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal Item As Integer) Handles Extree1.AddItem
	With Extree1
	End With
End Sub

With Extree1
	.ItemsAllowSizing = exontrol.EXTREELib.ItemsAllowSizingEnum.exResizeItem
	.ScrollBySingleLine = False
	.BackColorAlternate = Color.FromArgb(240,240,240)
	With .Items
	End With
	.Columns.Item(0).SortOrder = exontrol.EXTREELib.SortOrderEnum.SortAscending
End With
Is it possible to copy the hierarchy of the control using the GetItems method

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
	End With
End With
How can I show the child items with no identation

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exGroupLinesOutside
	.Indent = 12
	.HasLines = exontrol.EXTREELib.HierarchyLineEnum.exThinLine
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 3")
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 3")
	End With
End With
Is there other ways of showing the hierarchy lines (exGroupLinesAtRoot)

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exGroupLinesAtRoot
	.Indent = 12
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 3")
	End With
End With
Is there other ways of showing the hierarchy lines (exGroupLinesOutside)

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exGroupLinesOutside
	.Indent = 12
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 3")
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 3")
	End With
End With
Is there other ways of showing the hierarchy lines (exGroupLinesInsideLeaf)

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exGroupLinesInsideLeaf
	.Indent = 12
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 3")
	End With
End With
Is there other ways of showing the hierarchy lines (exGroupLinesInside)

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exGroupLinesInside
	.Indent = 12
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 3")
	End With
End With
Is there other ways of showing the hierarchy lines (exGroupLines)

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exGroupLines
	.Indent = 12
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2"),Nothing,"SubChild 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 3")
	End With
End With
Does your control supports multiple lines tooltip

With Extree1
	.ToolTipDelay = 1
	.Columns.Add("tootip").ToolTip = "<br><font Tahoma;10>This</font> is a <b>multi-lines</b> tooltip assigned to a column. The tooltip supports built-in HTML tags, " & _
"icons and pictures.<br><br><br><img>pic1</img> picture ... <br><br>"
End With
How can I prevent highlighting the column from the cursor - point

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("S").Width = 32
	.Columns.Add("Level 1").LevelKey = 1
	.Columns.Add("Level 2").LevelKey = 1
	.Columns.Add("Level 3").LevelKey = 1
	.Columns.Add("E1").Width = 32
	.Columns.Add("E2").Width = 32
	.Columns.Add("E3").Width = 32
	.Columns.Add("E4").Width = 32
End With
Is there any option to show the tooltip programmatically

' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub Extree1_MouseMoveEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal Button As Short,ByVal Shift As Short,ByVal X As Integer,ByVal Y As Integer) Handles Extree1.MouseMoveEvent
	Dim c,hit
	With Extree1
	End With
End Sub

With Extree1
	With .Items
		.AddItem("Item 1")
		.AddItem("Item 2")
		.AddItem("Item 3")
	End With
End With
Is it possible to prevent changing the rows/items colors by selection

With Extree1
	.SelBackMode = exontrol.EXTREELib.BackModeEnum.exTransparent
	With .Items
		.AddItem("<font ;12>T</font>his <b>is</b> an <a>html</a> <font Tahoma><fgcolor=FF0000>text</fgcolor></font>.")
		.set_SelectItem(.AddItem("<font ;6>This</font> <b>is</b> another <a>html</a> <font Tahoma><fgcolor=FF0000>text</fgcolor></font>."),True)
	End With
End With
Is it possible to specify the cell's value but still want to display some formatted text instead the value

Dim h
With Extree1
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem(1)
		h = .AddItem(#1/1/2001#)
		.set_FormatCell(h,1,"longdate(value) replace '2001' with '<b>2001</b>'")
	End With
End With
How can I simulate displaying groups

Dim h,h1
With Extree1
	.HasLines = exontrol.EXTREELib.HierarchyLineEnum.exNoLine
	.ScrollBySingleLine = True
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	With .Columns
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Group 1")
		h1 = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		h1 = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		h = .AddItem("Group 2")
		h1 = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		h1 = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
	End With
End With
How can I collapse all items

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
	End With
End With
How can I expand all items

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		h = .AddItem("Root 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
	End With
End With
Can I use PNG images to display pictures in the control

With Extree1
	.HeaderHeight = 48
	.Columns.Add("ColumnName").HTMLCaption = "<b>HTML</b> Column <img>pic1</img> Picture"
End With
Is it possible to move an item from a parent to another

With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Items
	End With
End With
How can I change the identation for an item

With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Items
	End With
End With
How can I filter programatically using more columns

With Extree1
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	With .Columns
	End With
	With .Items
		.set_CellCaption(.AddItem("Mazda"),1,"Air Bag")
		.set_CellCaption(.AddItem("Toyota"),1,"Air Bag,Air condition")
		.set_CellCaption(.AddItem("Ford"),1,"Air condition")
		.set_CellCaption(.AddItem("Nissan"),1,"Air Bag,ABS,ESP")
		.set_CellCaption(.AddItem("Mazda"),1,"Air Bag, ABS,ESP")
	End With
	With .Columns.Item("Car")
		.FilterType = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterTypeEnum.exFilter
		.Filter = "Mazda"
	End With
	With .Columns.Item("Equipment")
		.FilterType = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterTypeEnum.exPattern
		.Filter = "*ABS*|*ESP*"
	End With
End With
Is it possible to colour a particular column, I mean the cell's foreground color

With Extree1
	With .ConditionalFormats.Add("1")
		.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255,0,0)
		.ApplyTo = &H1
	End With
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	With .Columns
		.Add("Column 1")
		.Add("Column 2")
	End With
	With .Items
	End With
End With
Is it possible to colour a particular column for specified values

With Extree1
	With .ConditionalFormats.Add("int(%1) in (3,4,5)")
		.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255,0,0)
		.ApplyTo = &H1
	End With
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	With .Columns
		.Add("Column 1")
		.Add("Column 2")
	End With
	With .Items
	End With
End With
Is it possible to colour a particular column

With Extree1
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	With .Columns
		.Add("Column 1")
		.Add("Column 2").set_Def(exontrol.EXTREELib.DefColumnEnum.exCellBackColor,255)
	End With
	With .Items
	End With
End With
How do i get all the children items that are under a certain parent Item handle
Dim h,hChild
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
	End With
	With .Items
		hChild = .get_ItemChild(.FirstVisibleItem)
		Debug.Print( .get_CellCaption(hChild,0) )
		Debug.Print( .get_CellCaption(.get_NextSiblingItem(hChild),0) )
	End With
End With
How can I get the caption of focused item
' SelectionChanged event - Fired after a new item has been selected.
Private Sub Extree1_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object) Handles Extree1.SelectionChanged
	With Extree1
		With .Items
			Debug.Print( "Handle" )
			Debug.Print( .FocusItem )
			Debug.Print( "Caption" )
			Debug.Print( .get_CellCaption(.FocusItem,0) )
		End With
	End With
End Sub

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("R1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Cell 1.1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Cell 1.2")
		h = .AddItem("R2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Cell 2.1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Cell 2.2")
	End With
End With
How can I get the caption of selected item
' SelectionChanged event - Fired after a new item has been selected.
Private Sub Extree1_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object) Handles Extree1.SelectionChanged
	With Extree1
		With .Items
			Debug.Print( "Handle" )
			Debug.Print( .get_SelectedItem(0) )
			Debug.Print( "Caption" )
			Debug.Print( .get_CellCaption(.get_SelectedItem(0),0) )
		End With
	End With
End Sub

Dim h
With Extree1
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("R1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Cell 1.1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Cell 1.2")
		h = .AddItem("R2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Cell 2.1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Cell 2.2")
	End With
End With
Can I display the cell's check box after the text

With Extree1
	With .Columns.Add("Column")
	End With
	With .Items
		.set_CellHasCheckBox(.AddItem("Caption 1"),0,True)
		.set_CellHasCheckBox(.AddItem("Caption 2"),0,True)
	End With
End With
Can I change the order of the parts in the cell, as checkbox after the text, and so on

Dim h
With Extree1
	.Images("gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Text")
	End With
End With
Can I have an image displayed after the text. Can I get that effect without using HTML content

Dim h
With Extree1
	.Images("gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Text")
	End With
End With
Does your control support RightToLeft property for RTL languages or right to left

Dim h
With Extree1
	.ScrollBars = exontrol.EXTREELib.ScrollBarsEnum.exDisableBoth
	.LinesAtRoot = exontrol.EXTREELib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot
	With .Columns.Add("P1")
		.PartialCheck = True
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
	End With
	.RightToLeft = True
End With
Is there any way to display the vertical scroll bar on the left side, as I want to align my data to the right

With Extree1
	.ScrollBars = exontrol.EXTREELib.ScrollBarsEnum.exDisableBoth
	With .Columns
	End With
	.RightToLeft = True
End With
How can I use the CASE statement (CASE usage)

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Value").Width = 24
	With .Columns.Add("CASE - statment")
		.ComputedField = "%0 case (default:'not found';1:%0;2:2*%0;3:3*%0;4:4*%0;5:5*%0;7:'Seven';8:'Eight';9:'Nine';11:'Eleven';13:'Thirtheen';14:'Fourt" & _
		.ToolTip = .ComputedField
	End With
	With .Items
	End With
End With
How can I use the CASE statement (CASE usage)

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Value").Width = 24
	With .Columns.Add("CASE - statment")
		.ComputedField = "%0 case (default:'not found';1:'One';2:'Two';3:'Three';4:'Four';5:'Five';7:'Seven';8:'Eight';9:'Nine';11:'Eleven';13:'Thirtheen" & _
		.ToolTip = .ComputedField
	End With
	With .Items
	End With
End With
I have seen the IN function but it returns -1 or 0. How can I display the value being found ( SWITCH usage )

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Value").Width = 24
	With .Columns.Add("SWITCH - statment")
		.ComputedField = "%0 switch ('not found', 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,13,14)"
		.ToolTip = .ComputedField
	End With
	With .Items
	End With
End With
I have a large collection of constant values and using or operator is a time consuming (IN usage). Is there any way to increase the speed to check if a value maches the collection

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Value").Width = 24
	With .Columns.Add("IN - statment")
		.ComputedField = "%0 in (1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,13,14) ? 'found' : ''"
		.ToolTip = .ComputedField
	End With
	With .Items
	End With
End With
Is is possible to use HTML tags to display in the filter caption

With Extree1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	.FilterBarCaption = "This is a bit of text being displayed in the filter bar."
	With .Items
		.AddItem("Item 1")
		.AddItem("Item 2")
		.AddItem("Item 3")
	End With
End With
How can I find the number of items after filtering
Dim h
With Extree1
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("")
	End With
End With
How can I change the filter caption

Dim h0
With Extree1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	.FilterBarPromptType = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptWords Or exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptContainsAll
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "london robert"
	.FilterBarCaption = "<r>Found: ... "
	With .Columns
		.Add("Name").Width = 96
		.Add("Title").Width = 96
	End With
	With .Items
		h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Vice President, Sales")
		h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Manager")
		h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Inside Sales Coordinator")
		h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
	End With
End With
While using the filter prompt is it is possible to use wild characters

Dim h0
With Extree1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	.FilterBarPromptType = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptPattern
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "lon* seat*"
	With .Columns
		.Add("Name").Width = 96
		.Add("Title").Width = 96
	End With
	With .Items
		h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Vice President, Sales")
		h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Manager")
		h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Inside Sales Coordinator")
		h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
	End With
End With
How can I list all items that contains any of specified words, not necessary at the beggining

Dim h0
With Extree1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	.FilterBarPromptType = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptStartWords Or exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptContainsAny
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "london davolio"
	With .Columns
		.Add("Name").Width = 96
		.Add("Title").Width = 96
	End With
	With .Items
		h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Vice President, Sales")
		h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Manager")
		h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Inside Sales Coordinator")
		h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
	End With
End With
How can I list all items that contains any of specified words, not strings

Dim h0
With Extree1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	.FilterBarPromptType = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptWords Or exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptContainsAny
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "london nancy"
	With .Columns
		.Add("Name").Width = 96
		.Add("Title").Width = 96
	End With
	With .Items
		h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Vice President, Sales")
		h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Manager")
		h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Inside Sales Coordinator")
		h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
	End With
End With
How can I list all items that contains all specified words, not strings

Dim h0
With Extree1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	.FilterBarPromptType = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptWords Or exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptContainsAll
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "london robert"
	With .Columns
		.Add("Name").Width = 96
		.Add("Title").Width = 96
	End With
	With .Items
		h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Vice President, Sales")
		h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Manager")
		h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Inside Sales Coordinator")
		h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
	End With
End With
I've noticed that the filtering by prompt is not case sensitive, is is possible to make it case sensitive

Dim h0
With Extree1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	.FilterBarPromptType = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptCaseSensitive Or exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptContainsAny
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "Anne"
	With .Columns
		.Add("Name").Width = 96
		.Add("Title").Width = 96
	End With
	With .Items
		h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Vice President, Sales")
		h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Manager")
		h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Inside Sales Coordinator")
		h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
	End With
End With
Is it possible to list only items that ends with any of specified strings

Dim h0
With Extree1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	.FilterBarPromptType = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptEndWith
	.FilterBarPromptColumns = "0"
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "Fuller"
	With .Columns
		.Add("Name").Width = 96
		.Add("Title").Width = 96
	End With
	With .Items
		h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Vice President, Sales")
		h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Manager")
		h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Inside Sales Coordinator")
		h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
	End With
End With
Is it possible to list only items that ends with any of specified strings

Dim h0
With Extree1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	.FilterBarPromptType = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptEndWith
	.FilterBarPromptColumns = "0"
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "Fuller"
	With .Columns
		.Add("Name").Width = 96
		.Add("Title").Width = 96
	End With
	With .Items
		h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Vice President, Sales")
		h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Manager")
		h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Inside Sales Coordinator")
		h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
	End With
End With
Is it possible to list only items that starts with any of specified strings

Dim h0
With Extree1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	.FilterBarPromptType = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptStartWith
	.FilterBarPromptColumns = "0"
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "An M"
	With .Columns
		.Add("Name").Width = 96
		.Add("Title").Width = 96
	End With
	With .Items
		h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Vice President, Sales")
		h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Manager")
		h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Inside Sales Coordinator")
		h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
	End With
End With
Is it possible to list only items that starts with specified string

Dim h0
With Extree1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	.FilterBarPromptType = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptStartWith
	.FilterBarPromptColumns = "0"
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "A"
	With .Columns
		.Add("Name").Width = 96
		.Add("Title").Width = 96
	End With
	With .Items
		h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Vice President, Sales")
		h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Manager")
		h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Inside Sales Coordinator")
		h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
	End With
End With
How can I specify that the list should include any of the seqeunces in the pattern

Dim h0
With Extree1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	.FilterBarPromptType = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptContainsAny
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "london seattle"
	With .Columns
		.Add("Name").Width = 96
		.Add("Title").Width = 96
	End With
	With .Items
		h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Vice President, Sales")
		h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Manager")
		h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Inside Sales Coordinator")
		h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
	End With
End With
How can I specify that all sequences in the filter pattern must be included in the list

Dim h0
With Extree1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	.FilterBarPromptType = exontrol.EXTREELib.FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptContainsAll
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "london manager"
	With .Columns
		.Add("Name").Width = 96
		.Add("Title").Width = 96
	End With
	With .Items
		h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Vice President, Sales")
		h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Manager")
		h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Inside Sales Coordinator")
		h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
	End With
End With
How do I change at runtime the filter prompt

Dim h0
With Extree1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "london manager"
	With .Columns
		.Add("Name").Width = 96
		.Add("Title").Width = 96
	End With
	With .Items
		h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Vice President, Sales")
		h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Manager")
		h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Inside Sales Coordinator")
		h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
	End With
End With
How do I specify to filter only a single column when using the filter prompt

Dim h0
With Extree1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	.FilterBarPromptColumns = "2,3"
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "london"
	With .Columns
		.Add("Name").Width = 96
		.Add("Title").Width = 96
	End With
	With .Items
		h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Vice President, Sales")
		h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Manager")
		h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Inside Sales Coordinator")
		h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
	End With
End With
How do I change the prompt or the caption being displayed in the filter bar

With Extree1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	.FilterBarPrompt = "changed"
	With .Columns
		.Add("Name").Width = 96
		.Add("Title").Width = 96
	End With
End With
How do I enable the filter prompt feature

Dim h0
With Extree1
	.ColumnAutoResize = True
	.ContinueColumnScroll = False
	.MarkSearchColumn = False
	.SearchColumnIndex = 1
	.FilterBarPromptVisible = True
	With .Columns
		.Add("Name").Width = 96
		.Add("Title").Width = 96
	End With
	With .Items
		h0 = .AddItem("Nancy Davolio")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Andrew Fuller")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Vice President, Sales")
		h0 = .AddItem("Janet Leverling")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Margaret Peacock")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Steven Buchanan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Manager")
		h0 = .AddItem("Michael Suyama")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Robert King")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
		h0 = .AddItem("Laura Callahan")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Inside Sales Coordinator")
		h0 = .AddItem("Anne Dodsworth")
		.set_CellCaption(h0,1,"Sales Representative")
	End With
End With
I have an EBN file how can I apply different colors to it, so no need to create a new one

Dim h,hC
With Extree1
	.SelBackColor = .BackColor
	.SelForeColor = .ForeColor
	.HasLines = exontrol.EXTREELib.HierarchyLineEnum.exNoLine
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root")
		hC = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Default")
		hC = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Light Green")
		hC = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Dark Green")
		hC = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Magenta")
		hC = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Yellow")
	End With
End With
How can I change the foreground color for a particular column

With Extree1
	With .Columns
		.Add("Column 1")
		.Add("Column 2").set_Def(exontrol.EXTREELib.DefColumnEnum.exHeaderForeColor,8439039)
		.Add("Column 3")
	End With
End With
How can I change the background color for a particular column

With Extree1
	With .Columns
		.Add("Column 1")
		.Add("Column 2").set_Def(exontrol.EXTREELib.DefColumnEnum.exHeaderBackColor,8439039)
		.Add("Column 3")
	End With
End With
How can I display the column using currency format and enlarge the font for certain values

With Extree1
	With .Columns.Add("Currency")
		.FormatColumn = "len(value) ? ((0:=dbl(value)) < 10 ? '<fgcolor=808080><font ;7>' : '<b>') + currency(=:0)"
	End With
	With .Items
	End With
End With
How can I highlight only parts of the cells

Dim h
With Extree1
	With .Columns.Add("")
		.FormatColumn = "value replace 'hil' with '<fgcolor=FF0000><b>hil</b></fgcolor>'"
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 3")
	End With
End With
How can I get the number of occurrences of a specified string in the cell

Dim h
With Extree1
	With .Columns.Add("occurrences")
		.ComputedField = "lower(%0) count 'o'"
		.FormatColumn = "'contains ' + value + ' of \'o\' chars'"
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1 oooof the root")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 3")
	End With
End With
How can I display dates in my format

With Extree1
	With .Columns.Add("Date")
		.FormatColumn = "'<b>' + year(0:=date(value)) + '</b><fgcolor=808080><font ;6> (' + month(=:0) + ' - ' + day(=:0) +')'"
	End With
	With .Items
	End With
End With
How can I display dates in short format

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Date").FormatColumn = "shortdate(value)"
	With .Items
	End With
End With
How can I display dates in long format

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Date").FormatColumn = "longdate(value)"
	With .Items
	End With
End With
How can I display only the right part of the cell

Dim h
With Extree1
	With .Columns.Add("Right")
		.ComputedField = "%0 right 2"
		.FormatColumn = "'""' + value + '""'"
	End With
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"SChild 3")
	End With
End With
How can I display only the left part of the cell

Dim h
With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Left").ComputedField = "%0 left 2"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem("Root")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2")
		.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"SChild 3")
	End With
End With
How can I display true or false instead 0 and -1

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Boolean").FormatColumn = "value != 0 ? 'true' : 'false'"
	With .Items
	End With
End With
How can I display icons or images instead numbers

With Extree1
	.Images("gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTq" & _
"lVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m" & _
"0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	With .Columns.Add("Icons")
		.FormatColumn = "'The cell displays the icon <img>'+value+'</img> instead ' + value"
	End With
	With .Items
	End With
End With
How can I display the column using currency

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Currency").FormatColumn = "currency(dbl(value))"
	With .Items
	End With
End With
How can I display the currency only for not empty cells

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Currency").ComputedField = "len(%0) ? currency(dbl(%0)) : ''"
	With .Items
	End With
End With
Is there a function to display the number of days between two date including the number of hours

Dim h
With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Start").Width = 32
	.Columns.Add("Duration").ComputedField = "2:=((1:=int(0:= date(%1)-date(%0))) = 0 ? '' : str(=:1) + ' day(s)') + ( 3:=round(24*(=:0-floor(=:0))) ? (len(=:2) ? ' and ' : " & _
"'') + =:3 + ' hour(s)' : '' )"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem(#1/11/2001#)
		h = .AddItem(#2/22/2002 0:00:00 PM#)
		.set_CellCaption(h,1,#3/14/2002 1:00:00 PM#)
		h = .AddItem(#3/13/2003#)
		.set_CellCaption(h,1,#4/11/2003 11:00:00 AM#)
	End With
End With
Is there a function to display the number of days between two date including the number of hours

Dim h
With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Duration").ComputedField = """D "" + int(date(%1)-date(%0)) + "" H "" + round(24*(date(%1)-date(%0) - floor(date(%1)-date(%0))))"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem(#1/11/2001#)
		.set_CellCaption(h,1,#1/14/2001 11:00:00 PM#)
		h = .AddItem(#2/22/2002 0:00:00 PM#)
		.set_CellCaption(h,1,#3/14/2002 1:00:00 PM#)
		h = .AddItem(#3/13/2003#)
		.set_CellCaption(h,1,#4/11/2003 11:00:00 AM#)
	End With
End With
How can I display the number of days between two dates

Dim h
With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Duration").ComputedField = "(date(%1)-date(%0)) + ' days'"
	With .Items
		h = .AddItem(#1/11/2001#)
		h = .AddItem(#2/22/2002#)
		h = .AddItem(#3/13/2003#)
	End With
End With
How can I get second part of the date

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Second").ComputedField = "sec(date(%0))"
	With .Items
		.AddItem(#1/11/2001 10:10:00 AM#)
		.AddItem(#2/22/2002 11:01:22 AM#)
		.AddItem(#3/13/2003 0:23:01 PM#)
		.AddItem(#4/14/2004 1:11:59 PM#)
	End With
End With
How can I get minute part of the date

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Minute").ComputedField = "min(date(%0))"
	With .Items
		.AddItem(#1/11/2001 10:10:00 AM#)
		.AddItem(#2/22/2002 11:01:00 AM#)
		.AddItem(#3/13/2003 0:23:00 PM#)
		.AddItem(#4/14/2004 1:11:00 PM#)
	End With
End With
How can I check the hour part only so I know it was afternoon

With Extree1
	.ConditionalFormats.Add("hour(%0)>=12").Bold = True
	.Columns.Add("Hour").ComputedField = "hour(%0)"
	With .Items
		.AddItem(#1/11/2001 10:00:00 AM#)
		.AddItem(#2/22/2002 11:00:00 AM#)
		.AddItem(#3/13/2003 0:00:00 PM#)
		.AddItem(#4/14/2004 1:00:00 PM#)
	End With
End With
What about a function to get the day in the week, or days since Sunday

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("WeekDay").ComputedField = "weekday(%0)"
	With .Items
		.AddItem(#1/11/2001 10:00:00 AM#)
		.AddItem(#2/22/2002 11:00:00 AM#)
		.AddItem(#3/13/2003 0:00:00 PM#)
		.AddItem(#4/14/2004 1:00:00 PM#)
	End With
End With
Is there any function to get the day of the year or number of days since January 1st

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Day since January 1st").ComputedField = "yearday(%0)"
	With .Items
		.AddItem(#1/11/2001 10:00:00 AM#)
		.AddItem(#2/22/2002 11:00:00 AM#)
		.AddItem(#3/13/2003 0:00:00 PM#)
		.AddItem(#4/14/2004 1:00:00 PM#)
	End With
End With
How can I display only the day of the date

With Extree1
	.Columns.Add("Day").ComputedField = "day(%0)"
	With .Items
		.AddItem(#1/11/2001 10:00:00 AM#)
		.AddItem(#2/22/2002 11:00:00 AM#)
		.AddItem(#3/13/2003 0:00:00 PM#)
		.AddItem(#4/14/2004 1:00:00 PM#)
	End With
End With